Saturday, March 24, 2007

The Only Tournament Greater Than March Madness...

Saturday, March 24, 2007
You guessed it...the All Valley Under 18 Karate Tournament. This is one of the greatest scenes of all time. This little gem was nestled deep in the vines of my mind grapes until I ran across it on Monkeysforhelping last month.

Kreese: "Sweep the leg...You have a problem with that?"
Johnny: "No Sensei"
Kreese: "No Mercy


And as if that scene wasn't filled with enough karate choppin' goodness for is the scene that played on a continous loop in my house until the J-tard and myself literally wore the tape out. I love this so this day I do not understand how Joe Esposito was not rocketed to superstar status on the basis of this song alone.



"Daniel Laruso from Miyagi do karate"
"its Miyagi do karate"
"from Miyagi do karate"
did you ever wonder why that ref didn't kick him in the face with his sweet karate ref flip flops? I would have.

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