Saturday, October 27, 2007

What up party people?

Saturday, October 27, 2007's been a while since we talked. That's my fault. I have this recurring case of blogslack that keeps me from posting with any consistency. I guess I'm sorta like that old boyfriend that only calls like 2 or 3 times a year and it's usually really late and he's probably a little drunk and just feeling like leaving you was the biggest mistake he ever made. He just knows that if you gave him another chance that you guys could make it work because deep inside you both know that you were made for each other and in some way it's just wrong for you not to be together and if you're not together he'll never have balance. Not with himself...not with his martial arts career...not with anything. Anyway...I think your phone is ringing...and I think we both know who it is. Go ahead...answer it...for both of our sakes.


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